Monday, February 11, 2008

Hibernation Comes to an End

A fifty degree day in February really brings things to life. All bikes that can run have now been ridden and their tanks filled with fresh gas. They are alive again and I am happy to be back in the slipstream. Today you could have seen the little Yamaha TTR 90 (normally dedicated to the pleasure of visiting grandkids) ripping around the field with a big gray-haired oaf burdening it's meager power plant. Actually it climbs the hill pretty well with a 220 pound load. The TTR has the "magic button" but needed a little help from the kick start lever and a lot of throttle blipping to to wake up. Vicki's Savage needed a jump from a car battery to rouse it's lumbering single cylinder. Even with frequent charges from the battery tender, winter is hard on these small bike batteries. I can relate. It's hard on riders too.


Anonymous said...

I must be getting old. The snow cleared off the streets before I could get my motorcycle started. I was surprised to see someone riding along the road before I did. While I ride to the shop in all conditions throughout the year, I usually am the first to ride out on the road, being already dressed for it, that guy on the Harley got his first ride first.

Anonymous said...

Stabilize the snow mobiles, spring is here !

Bike me.